Impact Picture

Tuition, Fees and Payments



SCC has the Lowest Tuition in the Upstate - It's a Fact!


See for yourself: Compare tuition at colleges and universities in South Carolina.


Academic year 2023-2024 | Full-time and part-time students, minimum of 6 credit hours:
Spartanburg and Cherokee County residents: $204 per credit hour
Union County residents: $233 per credit hour
Out-of-county residents: $252 per credit hour 
Out-of-state residents: $415 per credit hour 
Out-of-country or international residents: $415 per credit hour


Student fees

Student Activity Fee (excludes High School Dual students): $75 per semester

Includes costs associated with: Enrollment, orientation, course registration, student support services, student engagement programming, parking decals, and student liability insurance during any given term. This fee is non-refundable unless student withdraws during 100% refund period.

Technology Fee: $50 per semester
Online D2L Access, Library Resources, Wi-Fi- Usage Fee, and ID Cards.

Lab fee (assessed for each course with a lab): $30-$45 per course with a required lab.
Late fee (assessed for tuition paid after due date): $75 per semester
Distance learning online/hybrid distance learning: $21 per course


Other non-academic fees:

Credit/Debit Card Service Fee:  Starting June 1, 2024, any debit/credit card payments will be assessed a 2.95% service fee.

Payment Plan Administrative Fee: $30 (non-refundable)
Payment Plan Late Fee: $50 (per each late payment)
Returned Check Fee: $25 (per incident plus bank fees)



Senior citizens South Carolina residents who are 60 years of age or older may enroll tuition free on a space-available basis. Special criteria and restrictions may apply. Please contact SCC Admissions for more details.