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Summer Financial Aid: Get Set for Summer Classes!

Did you know? Financial aid for summer courses is available, and is awarded separately from fall and spring semesters. 

  • You do not need to complete another FAFSA for summer if you have already completed the FAFSA for the previous spring and/or fall semesters. The summer semester falls within the same scademic year as the previous fall and spring semesters.
  • If you begin classes during a summer semester, you must have completed the FAFSA for the award year in which that summer semester falls under. You must also complete the FAFSA for the next award year, which begins with the upcoming fall semester, which begins in August.
  • S.C. Need Based Grant, LIFE Scholarship, and S.C. Teacher Loan are not available during the summer semester.
  • Lottery Tuition Assistance is not available if you received a LIFE Scholarship during the previous fall or spring semesters.
  • All financial aid awards for the summer can be viewed on MySCC Portal in early March.



Summer Semester LIFE Eligibility


For the LIFE Scholarship, students who are in two-year programs of study may be eligible to receive one of their remaining two terms of eligibility during the summer to accelerate to graduation. To participate in summer scholarship disbursement, at the end of the spring semester, a LIFE Scholarship recipient must:

  1. Earn a cumulative 3.0 LIFE GPA
  2. Earn an average of at least 30 hours of non-remedial coursework during the fall and spring terms, including AP, IB, Dual Enrollment, CLEP or exempted credit hours.
  3. A summer term cannot be scholarship recipient's first term of enrollment. First-time entering freshmen will not be penalized for any credit hours earned during the summer session immediately prior to the student's initial college enrollment. The credit hours earned will not count against the terms of eligibility. The credit hours may be used toward the annual credit hour requirement.

A student must demonstrate having attempted and/or enrolled in a total of at least 12 credit hours over the course of the entire summer term to be awarded. 

SC LIFE Scholarship recipients having met the continued eligibility requirements at the end of the spring term are eligible for a fall award regardless of their academic performance over the summer.


Need More Information?

SCC Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs Office


Spartanburg (Giles) Campus - Dan L. Terhune Student Services Building

Office 147

Phone: (864) 592-4810

Toll Free: (888) 591-3810


Mon - Thu | 8:00am-5:00pm
Friday | 8:00am-1:30pm


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