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Tuition, Fees and Payments

Tuition Payment Options

You may pay your tuition and fees by cash, check, e-check or credit/debit card. SCC accepts Visa, Discover, MasterCard, and American Express branded credit or debit cards. A 2.95% convenience fee will be applied to all payments paid with debit or with credit card. (Companies may be billed with appropriate authorization. Contact the Business Office for details.) SCC does offer a Tuition Payment Plan as well.


Paying in Person:

Giles Campus Business Office,
Ledbetter Building,
Room 219 or the administrative
offices at any other campus.

Paying by Mail:

Send your check to:
Spartanburg Community College,
Attention: Business Office, P.O. Box 4386,
Spartanburg, SC, 29305.
Allow for mail delays to ensure you
meet the payment deadline noted above.

Paying by Phone:

Call in your Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express number to (864) 592-4690 or toll-free (800) 922-3679, ext. 4690. A 2.95% convenience fee will be applied to all payments paid with debit or with credit card. 

Paying Online (via MySCC Portal)

A 2.95% convenience fee will be applied to all payments paid with debit or with credit card. E-check online transactions do not incur a convenience fee, but will be charged a $25 returned check fee if not honored by the bank of issue.


* The Business Office does not offer check cashing services.

Billing and payment information is available online in the MySCC Portal under "Student Finance" feature for enrolled students. Students are responsible for ensuring all fees are satisfied. Bills are not mailed to students.

Returned checks
: A $25 returned check fee will be charged for all returned checks, both presented checks and online e-checks. The full amount of the check plus fees must be paid by cash, money order or credit card in the Business Office. Accounts not paid will be placed on restriction and the returned check will be turned over to the Solicitor's Office for collection.





  1. From the Student Portal click on Student Self-Service
  2. Log into Student Portal
  3. Click on Student Finance
  4. Click on Make A Payment (Even if you owe $0.00, click here to access the Payment Center)
  5. Choose Continue To Payment Center which will take you to the Student Account Home page.
  6. Please read the notice carefully.  Once read, check the Acknowledge and Accept box.
  7. Under My Profile Set Up, choose Electronic Refund.
  8. You must complete the two-step verification to proceed to the next steps. 
    1. Click on Refunds at top of ribbon to return to the setup screen after verification is completed. 
    2. To add a new refund method, click Set Up New Account:
      • Follow instructions to enter bank information and billing information
      • Once you have verified the information is correct, save
      • Lastly, check the box to Acknowledge and Agree
  9. If you have multiple refund accounts setup, you can select the desired account to send refunds to by selecting Update:
    1. Click the account you would like to have refunds sent to
    2. Continue
    3. Accept the Agreement
    4. Continue to save

**Please note** - If you added new banking information, the status will say "Unverified".  Once we process a successful refund to you, it will then become "Verified". 

PLEASE NOTE: When signing up for direct deposit, please allow five (5) business days for the direct deposit to take effect. Once you have signed up for direct deposit, any future credit balance will automatically be deposited into your bank account. You do need to verify your account information each semester. 
If you pay tuition with a debit or credit card, that portion of the refund will go back to the debit or credit card and the remaining balance will be processed via the selected refund method.

If the bank rejects the deposit due to incorrect bank information, the bank will notify SCC. SCC will contact the student to notify them. The student will need to make their own corrections in Self Service or request a paper check. If a paper check is requested, it will be issued within 5 to 7 business days. If you fail to update your direct deposit information and the refund is sent to a closed account, that is in bad debt status with the financial institution, SCC is not responsible for the intercepted refund.



It is the policy of Spartanburg Community College that a student or sponsoring agency/program receives a fair and equitable refund of tuition charges if a student withdraws from a term or a full-time student reduces the number of credit hours to below 12 credit hours. This policy is explained in the SCC Catalog under college costs, student refund/term withdrawal/federal return of funds, and this publication is located on the SCC website at Refund dates are also printed in the SCC Enrollment & Registration Resource Guide in the semester deadline charts.

How does the refund process work?

The refund process adjusts the amount of tuition charged for a class based on the date a class is dropped, not the amount you paid out-of-pocket. Please refer to the published dates for last date to drop. If a class is dropped after the 100% refund dates, you will be responsible for the full tuition amount.

Choose your method of payment with care. All refunds processed from start of term through the published date financial aid transmits due to schedule changes will be remitted based upon the source of funds used for payment. If you paid with a credit card, the refund will be credited back to the credit card. It is the student's responsibility to make sure their address is kept current in the records office. All financial aid disbursement checks will be mailed to the student's address of record (please see published date for each semester in your Enrollment and Registration Resource Guide).

How will I get my refund of excess financial aid?

The method of refund disbursement is your choice. All refunds are made by check and mailed to your address of record in accordance with the published date for each semester in your Enrollment and Registration Guide, unless you sign up for direct deposit. It's your responsibility to keep your address current with SCC's Records Office. They can be reached at or at (864)592-4681.

Need More Information?

SCC Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs Office


Spartanburg (Giles) Campus - Dan L. Terhune Student Services Building

Office 147

Phone: (864) 592-4810

Toll Free: (888) 591-3810


Mon - Thu | 8:00am-5:00pm
Friday | 8:00am-1:30pm


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