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When You Need a Helping Hand

Fill the Backpack Fund Offers Relief for New Students

What You Need to Know:

  • Applies only to a first semester freshmen or a returning college student who has been out of school for more than 3 years.
  • This must be the applicant’s first year at SCC.
  • The maximum award is $500.
  • This fund may be awarded one time only.


Before You Apply:

  • FAFSA submission is required.
  • Applicants must have applied for all other assistance, including loans.
  • Applicants must show proof of financial hardship which has been created by events beyond their control.
  • Applicants may not have a past due balance with the College.
  • Applicants must provide both a detailed explanation and proof of why the funds are needed; I don’t have money is not enough.
  • The SCC Foundation will cover 85% of the total cost; the student is responsible for the additional 15% and should be prepared to pay the balance at the time of purchase.


Please note, the following circumstances are NOT considered acceptable reasons to apply.

  • Need help paying college tuition or fees
  • Need help with past due debts to college, including old student loans
  • Childcare costs (please contact the AIM Center for these resources)
  • Non-Emergency related medical bills
  • Non-Emergency related travel costs
  • Any Non-Essential or Entertainment related monthly fees including but not limited to; cable, streaming services, online gaming subscriptions, and internet service (to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis)
  • A life event from more than 1 month ago, except for events which have prevented the applicant from working since they occurred
  • Day to day expenses such including but not limited to; rent, car payments, phone bills, and electric bills, unless they are past due because of an event beyond the applicant’s control


Click Here To Apply

Need More Information?

SCC Foundation Office


John Jaraczewski - Executive Director of Foundation | Advancement and Foundation
Phone: (864) 592-4448


Molly McKinney- Foundation Assistant and Alumni Outreach
Phone: (864) 592-4270


Spartanburg (Giles) Campus - Dan L. Terhune Student Services Building

Office 102

  Mon - Thu | 8:00am-5:00pm
Friday | 8:00am-1:30pm
Checks Payable to: Mail to:
SCC Foundation SCC Foundation
P.O. Box 4386
Spartanburg, SC 29305
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