Spartanburg County Early College High School (SCECHS) at Spartanburg Community College (SCC) is an innovative partnership between the seven Spartanburg County School Districts and SCC. The program was developed to graduate students with a high school diploma and the first two years of transferable college credit or associate degree in preparation for high growth, high-demand jobs of the 21st century.
The Program serves students who …
• Would benefit from accelerated academic instruction.
• Are the first in their immediate family to attend college.
• Are from groups historically under-represented in postsecondary education.
• May be economically disadvantaged students.

Students are nominated for this program during their 8th-grade year by a teacher, school counselor, or administrator. No self-nominations are permitted. If you are interested in this program or have questions, please contact your 8th-grade school counselor for specific details.
Spartanburg County Early College High School (SCECHS) is a dual credit program offered through Spartanburg Community College (SCC). Students in eighth grade apply for acceptance into this program, allowing one to earn approximately 60 hours of college credit while simultaneously completing high school diploma requirements.
Students attend classes all day on the SCC campus. Students who attend Spartanburg County Early College High School (SCECHS) would be excluded from all honors associated with class rank at their home high school. SCECHS students cannot compete for valedictorian and salutatorian titles. (Note: SCECHS students may compete for the valedictorian or salutatorian position in their SCECHS cohort at Spartanburg Community College.)
Early College / Dual Enrollment
Eugenia Hooker - Director of Early College |
Mon - Thu | 8:00am-5:00pm Friday | 8:00am-1:30pm |