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Broad River Electric Awards SCC Foundation

September 11, 2020

The grant also provides seed money to establish a Textbook Lending Library for students taking transitional courses at the College’s Cherokee County Campus in Gaffney.

The Spartanburg Community College Foundation has been awarded a $2,000 Operation Round Up grant from Broad River Electric to be used for the Student Food Pantry located at the SCC Downtown Campus and the Transitional Studies Textbook Lending Library at the SCC Cherokee County Campus.

“With this grant, we will purchase a refrigerator which will allow us to diversify our food offerings to include healthier and fresh options for our students,” explains Witney Fisher, executive director of the SCC Downtown Campus in Spartanburg. “We are so excited and thankful to have received the grant from Broad River Electric. The SCC Student Food Pantry has been such a valuable resource to our students, especially considering that food insecurity continues to be a significant issue in the Upstate region. We know that refrigerated food items can be more expensive to purchase in stores, yet the nutritional benefit is huge."

The grant also provides seed money to establish a Textbook Lending Library for students taking transitional courses at the College’s Cherokee County Campus in Gaffney. The SCC transitional studies department offers developmental courses in English, math and reading to help students who are not yet prepared for college-level courses acquire additional skills and discipline in order to be successful in college-level courses.

Brandi Mullinax, transitional studies instructor, expressed appreciation for the grant on behalf of her students. “Cherokee County transitional studies students are some of the hardest working, but often the most financially insecure, students I have taught. Textbook prices rise every year, and textbooks are often not covered by traditional financial aid. This generous gift will pave the way for students to provide a brighter future for themselves and their families for years to come.”

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