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SCC Foundation Giving Tuesday Now

May 5, 2020

WSPA Jamarcus Gaston, SCC Foundation Director Bea Walters Smith with students Angel Voiers and Steve Naya
WSPA Jamarcus Gaston, SCC Foundation Director Bea Walters Smith with students Angel Voiers and Steve Naya

Angel Voiers had just re-enrolled at Spartanburg Community College last fall when she lost her job. After seeingersSt a sign on campus for one-time assistance through the SCC Foundation, Voiers applied for emergency funds to help cover her bills.

“I had completed one semester at SCC a few years ago when I had to take emergency custody of my three nephews,” Voiers explains. “I had just re-enrolled when I lost my job, and I didn’t want to have to leave school again.”

For Voiers, the availability of emergency funds allowed her time to find another job and to continue working toward a degree in Radiologic Technology. “It was an easy process,” says Voiers, a resident of Spartanburg. “The school called my old employer to confirm my job status, then they wrote a $500 check to my landlord to cover my rent for a month.”

SCC’s John and Putsy Wardlaw Emergency Fund and Sherry Vaughn Book Fund are especially important now as the college navigates issues related to the coronavirus pandemic. That’s why the SCC Foundation is participating in #GivingTuesdayNow, today’s global day of unity held in response to the needs caused by COVID-19, according to SCC Foundation Executive Director Bea Walters Smith.

“Many of our students hold full or part-time jobs and care for their families while working to earn an SCC degree,” Smith said. “The COVID-19 crisis has created even greater challenges as students have transitioned from classroom instruction to distance learning, and some are dealing with the recent loss of a job.”

SCC Emergency Funds cover expenses such as rent, utility payments, car payments and gas cards, Smith said.

Another SCC student benefiting from SCC Foundation emergency funding is Steve Nava of Spartanburg.

“I was out of a job due to an illness so the SCC Foundation helped me with a $100 gas card so I would be able to continue to go to college,” Nava said. “The SCC student emergency fund helped me when I needed it the most.”

Emergency funds allowed Nava to stay in school and continue working toward his Associate of Arts degree and an expected graduation date of December 2020.

Those wishing to make a donation to the SCC Foundation Emergency Funds can do so online by clicking here.

For more information, contact Bea Walters Smith,

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