SCC: We Stand Together
June 4, 2020

A Letter From SCC President Giles:
Spartanburg Community College mourns and stands with people of color, both in our SCC service area and beyond. We are heartbroken and deeply disturbed by the countless lives that have been negatively impacted because of persistent and entrenched racism in our community and nation.
For more than 50 years, Spartanburg Community College has been part of the Upstate community, helping Spartanburg, Cherokee and Union county citizens improve their lives and their families’ lives through education. At our very core is our mission to educate and serve everyone: we serve citizens through educational attainment leading to job opportunities; we serve local businesses through economic, workforce development initiatives which in turn fuel our local and state economy. Although we have had many successes, our work is not finished. All human beings should be treated fairly with respect and compassion, and given equal opportunity to succeed and prosper. Our community, state and nation cannot thrive unless we address the barriers that still face us. Discrimination of all kinds must be addressed and eliminated.
Spartanburg Community College and our society have a moral obligation to ensure that every person, regardless of race, gender, religion, national origin or sexual orientation, is not discriminated against. People must feel safe in order to be invested, contributing members of our society.
Spartanburg Community College does not condone violence or harassment of any kind. I encourage you to join me and our community in efforts to address and eradicate inequality.
Henry C. Giles Jr.
SCC President