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Spark Center Facility Usage

Spark Center facilities may be used by certain agencies, groups, organizations, or individuals when the scheduled activity is in the community’s interest and does not create a monetary profit for the sponsoring organization. The use of college facilities by or for any of the following is strictly prohibited:  1) any form of illegal activity 2) private teaching involving personal payments to the presenting organization or individual 3) religious meetings not directly sponsored by a campus organization 4) organizations that believe in or teach directly or indirectly the overthrow of the federal government or the government of the state of South Carolina.

The SCC Foundation encourages donations from area community constituents to support SCC in effort to achieve their vision and mission.  In exchange for donations, facility rental rates may be reduced or waived based on the amount of donation.  More information on the SCC Foundation can be found at its website at

The rental rates for Spark Center or TRC classrooms/meeting rooms and additional fees such as special set-ups, media, after-hours security and janitorial services are listed below.  Contact Erin Easler at 864-592-6524 or if you have questions regarding SCC's facility usage policies and procedures or would like information on facility rental and service fee rates for any of SCC’s other campuses.


Facility Rental & Service/Special Fees

Room Full Day Rate Up to 4 Hours Rate
BMW 119 Conference Room - capacity 14 $ 75.00 $ 40.00
BMW 305 Training Room - capacity 20 $100.00 $ 60.00
BMW 308 Training Room - capacity 25 $100.00 $ 60.00
BMW 311 Seminar Room - capacity 60 $150.00 $ 80.00
TRB 352 Conference Room - capacity 8 $ 75.00 $ 40.00
TRB 354A, B or C Multipurpose Room - capacity 56 each $150.00 $ 80.00
TRB 354A & B or B & C - capacity 112 $250.00 $125.00
TRB 354A B & C - capacity 168 $350.00 $125.00
TRB 528 or 529 Training Rooms - capacity 48 each $150.00 $ 80.00

Service Fee
Room Set-up / Tear Down $ 30.00
Media Equipment Set-up $ 25.00

Special (2 hours minimum-outside normal operation hours):
Copying, B&W (special requests only)

$ 20.00/hour
$ 20.00/hour
$  .41 per sheet (per side if 2-sided)


Invoices for facility usage fees are mailed from the college’s Business Office the first of the month following an event.  Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice.   

Cancellations must be received two weeks prior to the date of the event.  The charge for cancellations received after this period will be 20% of the total facility usage rental fee.

Please review the below guidelines before completing a facility usage request:

The organization/person who rents a facility at Spartanburg Community College must agree to the following guidelines:

  • No items may be affixed to walls either inside or outside the buildings of the Tyger River Campus. No college property may be removed from any room and no facility or equipment may be modified. Open flames are prohibited in all rooms on campus.
  • Rooms should be left in the condition, configuration and state of cleanliness in which they were found.
  • The college does not provide copying services (except by special request), *flip chart paper, markers or any other supplies.
  • Please respect groups/organizations with room reservations following yours by exiting the room at the agreed time.
  • Smoking and the use of tobacco products including electronic cigarettes is prohibited in all buildings and outside of exterior designated smoking areas.
  • Clients may arrange their own catering with prior approval from the college. Complimentary alcohol may be served with President's approval (SCC Alcohol Use Policy VII-90 provided upon request). No food or drink is allowed in the computer labs.
  • Only activities that are lawful, orderly, not of a nature to incite others to disorder, and not restrictive by reason of race, creed, color, national origin, sex or age may be conducted.
  • Hold harmless the Spartanburg County Commission for Technical & Community Education, the individual members thereof, and any college officials or employees from and against any loss, damage, liability or expense that may arise during, or be caused in any way by, such occupancy of or use of college property, to the extent permitted by SC law.
  • The college must be reimbursed for any additional costs of damage, including stains on carpet and walls, resulting from their use.
  • Parking is limited to marked spaces in parking lots only; no special consideration will be granted for parking except for existing handicap parking spaces. Parking on the grass is prohibited.
  • Facilities may not be used for religious services, fundraising events, birthday parties or profit-making purposes.
  • Any Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations for the event, beyond what the college provides, is the responsibility of the client.
  • The college holds the right to cancel a reservation when that cancellation is considered to be in the college's best interest.
  • Children must be supervised at all times. The parent/guardian will be responsible for managing the child and may be asked to leave if the child becomes disruptive.
  • Rooms will be used for the sole purpose of that which is stated on this form and will not be reassigned or sub-let to another organization.
  • The name "Spartanburg Community College" should be used for location purposes only and is not to be associated with any marketing, advertisements, sponsorships or other materials used for the event.

To request usage, please complete the online Facility Usage Request Form

Need More Information?

Spark Center Office


Phone: (864) 592-6524

Email Us

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