FAQ: SCC Business Office
When is the Business Office open?
Standard Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday - 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Location: Ledbetter 220, Spartanburg (Giles) Campus
NOTE: During peak periods such as open registration and other special times, office hours may be modified.
How will I receive my student bill?
Your student bill will be available online once you register for courses. Log on to the SCC Portal to view your account. Student bills are not mailed. If you need assistance logging into the portal, please contact the IT Help Desk at (864) 592-4682.
How does the refund process work?
View details of refund process
My schedule was dropped for non-payment. What do I do?
You will need to add your classes back and then pay your fees. You may add classes back online, through your advisor or in the Records Office. There is no guarantee that the same classes that were dropped due to non-payment will be available to add back to your schedule. You must be prepared to make full payment once you add back classes. Payments can be made by cash, check, e-check, credit or debit card in the Business Office.
Does Spartanburg Community College have a tuition payment plan?
A payment plan program is available.
- Complete the Tuition Payment Plan Agreement online in the Student Portal. See the linked instructions to sign up online. Online Payment Plan Instructions from Student Self-Service
- Pay the first installment payment plus a $30 non-refundable set-up fee.
- Please contact the SCC Business Office for further details.
I am a South Carolina resident being charged as a non-resident, or a Spartanburg County resident being charged as out-of-county.
Contact SCC Admissions Center at (864) 592-4410 to determine or correct your residency status.
May I keep a credit balance for future charges?
No, credit balances are automatically refunded to you.
May I make a payment without a bill?
Yes. Please verify your updated balance by accessing your account in the SCC Portal.
The Business Office accepts cash, personal (first-party) checks, money orders and cashier checks for payment of tuition and fees. Checks should be made payable to Spartanburg Community College and should be for the exact amount owed. DISCOVER, MASTERCARD, VISA and AMERICAN EXPRESS branded credit/debit cards and e-check payments are also accepted. A 2.95% convenience fee will be applied to all payments paid with debit or with credit card. Payments may be made online through the SCC Portal, or in person at the Giles Campus Business Office or the administrative offices of any satellite campus.
What is a financial restriction?
A restriction is placed on your account by the Business Office anytime fees are not paid. When your account is under financial restriction, you will not be able to receive grades or register for classes. A financial restriction may place your account in delinquent status and subject to collection.
If a financial restriction is placed on my records, what actions should I take in order to get the hold released?
Contact the Student Accounts Receivable Office at (864) 592-4661. All past due balances must be paid to re-enroll in the college, or to obtain grades.
My check has been returned due to insufficient funds. What happens next?
You must pay the full amount of the returned check, along with a $25 returned check fee. This must be paid by cash, money order or credit or debit card in the Giles Campus Business Office. We will not accept another check to pay for a returned check. If your account is not cleared, a restriction will be placed on your account and the returned check will be turned over to the Solicitor's Office for collection.
What is a full time student?
A full-time student for fee payment purposes is one who is enrolled for 12 or more credit hours.
My employer is going to pay for my tuition (books, fees). What do I do?
Your employer must send the following information on company letterhead or purchase order to the attention of the SCC Business Office:
- Name and ID # of student
- Covered charges: tuition only, tuition and fees, tuition and books, supplies, etc.
- Covered time period: specific dates or terms (Ex. fall 2023, completion of program)
The letter CANNOT stipulate that the company will only pay if a certain grade is attained in a course.
Do I need a parking decal?
Yes, a current parking decal is required for all curriculum students at all SCC campus locations. The cost of the parking decal is included in the enrollment fee.
Do I need a student ID?
Yes, all curriculum students must have an ID made in admissions and are required to carry this ID at all times.
What does the student activity fee cover? (excludes High School Dual students)
A $75 student activity fee will be charged to each student, each term regardless of the number of credit hours. Includes cost associated with: Enrollment, orientation, course registration, student support services, student engagement programming, parking decals, and student liability insurance during any given term. This fee is non-refundable unless student withdraws during 100% refund period.
How do I buy textbooks and supplies with financial aid?
You may verify that you have a credit balance on your account by going to Self-Service in the SCC Portal to view your account under "View Account and Make Payments." If you have a credit balance in your current term balance, you may use this credit to buy books and supplies at Spartanburg Community College online Bookstore.
A student with a financial aid credit balance may request to opt out of buying books at the SCC Book Inn and request an allowance to buy books and supplies elsewhere by completing the Request to Opt Out form and submitting it to the Business Office by the first day of class for each semester that the student elects to use an allowance.
Any remaining credit balance will be distributed in accordance with the procedure for refund of excess financial aid (above).
What happens if I drop or withdraw after the 100% refund census date?
If you drop or withdraw from some or all the classes you are enrolled in, it may create a balance due on your student account. You will be responsible for payment of all or a portion of tuition and fees in accordance with the published tuition refund schedule.
SCC Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs Office
Address: Phone: (864) 592-4810 Toll Free: (888) 591-3810 |
Mon - Thu | 8:00am-5:00pm