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FAQ: Records and Requests

How do I receive my grades? 
You may view grades in the MySCC Portalby going to Self-Service > Grades.

How do I request an enrollment verification?
The Registrar's Office provides enrollment verifications on a request basis. A request may be made by going online to the MySCC Portal or by going in to any campus location.
To make a request through the MySCC Portal, go to Self-Service > Enrollment Verifications. Enrollment verifications can only be printed after the full semester census date.

How do I request a transcript?
See our Transcript page.

When can I add or drop classes?
The add/drop period is the first five (5) instructional days of the fall, spring and summer full terms. The add/drop period for FlexStart terms in the fall, spring and summer are the first 2-3 instructional days of the term, depending on the term. During the add/drop period, you may drop courses without academic penalty and add only courses that have not yet met. Admittance to courses that have already met (including hybrid, online and combination) is at the discretion of the department chair. To drop a course during or after the add/drop period, follow the Procedure for Dropping Classes.

What makes an Honors Graduate?
Prospective graduates with a program GPA of 3.5 or more at the end of the term prior to graduation will be considered an honor graduate.

How do I make the Dean's List?
To qualify for the dean's list, you must have declared a major, be enrolled in at least 12 semester program credit hours during the fall or spring term and 9 program credit hours during the summer term (excluding audited courses), and have earned a grade point average of 3.50 with no course grade lower than C. A grade of I automatically excludes students from the dean's list. All credit hours attempted during the semester will be factored into the GPA calculations.

How do I audit a class?
Auditing a course allows you to attend a course without receiving credit. You may not change status (credit to audit or audit to credit) after the add/drop period. Students who previously audited a course must register for and pass the course in order to receive credit for the course. You will not receive credit by examination for previously audited courses. Students auditing a course pay the same fees as a student taking the same course for credit. Courses that include clinical rotations, practicums, etc., in the Health and Human Services Division cannot be audited.

How will I know when I graduate?
To find out more about the graduation process, visit the SCC Graduation page or view Graduation FAQs.



How do I calculate my GPA?
Grade point averages are calculated by multiplying the number equivalent of the letter grade by the number of credit hours for the course (the grade points) and then dividing by the total number of credit hours. The semester grade point average is computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned during a given semester by the sum of the credit hours for all courses in which the student received letter grades of A, B, C, D or F during the same semester. A GPA calculator is available online.

Letter grades and their number equivalents

A  -  4

B  -  3

C -  2

D  -  1

F  -  0 

PA = Quality points divided by credit hours. Example:

Course Credit Hours Grade Quality Points
 FRE 101  4  A  16 (4x4)
 CPT 101  3  C  6 (3x2)
 ENG 101  3  B  9 (3x3)
 ECD 105  2  F  0 (2x0)
 MAT 032  3  A  0 (a zero level class)




Need More Information?

SCC Registrar's Office


Spartanburg (Giles) Campus - Student Services Building, Office 156

Phone: (864) 592-4681


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Mon - Thu | 8:00am -5:00pm
Friday | 8:00am -1:30pm


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