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FAQ: Student Disability Services


When can I register for and request accommodations?

Registration with the office of SDS can happen at any time. Required for registration is an application to the college and self-identification as a student with a disability. During registration, SDS will review your application and determine what documentation is needed to move forward. Students may request accommodations after they receive a schedule.

Registration happens once during your time at SCC and requests for accommodations happen each time you receive a schedule. The earlier you can receive a schedule and request accommodations the more time will be available to provide services.


I don't have documentation that I have a disability, but I need services. What do I do?

SDS is happy to help you explore your options and give you guidance on what to do in order to move forward. We are also happy to refer you to other support services on campus that may be able to help until you obtain your documentation and can be approved for accommodations.


What accommodations are available to me while at SCC?

SDS does not have an exhaustive list of available accommodations, but a list of frequently provided accommodations can be found under the accommodations tab. Students registering with SDS will discuss their disability and needs with office staff and accommodations specific to you and the courses you are in will be developed.


What type of documentation do I need to register for accommodations?

  • A copy of an IEP or 504 Plan from high school
  • A letter from a doctor outlining your disability and how it impacts your schoolwork
  • Medical records
  • A psychological evaluation

Documentation Should Include:

  • A description of your disability
  • Details about how your disability affects your schoolwork
  • Any proposed solutions to address barriers due to disability

Below are specific recommendations for documentation needed to register for and request accommodations. If you do not have, or do not have all of, the documentation needed for registration, share what you do have and we can help you with the next steps of obtaining the remaining documentation.


Documentation Suggested for Specific Disability Areas


Attention Deficit Disorder

Relevant reports from the diagnosing physician or psychologist or information from current therapist stating the disability and functional limitations. DSM-IV diagnosis is helpful.


Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Physician's statement that includes diagnosis, nature of disability, severity, and functional limitations, or records from public or private school that indicate services were provided.


Visual Impairment

Physician's statement that includes diagnosis, nature of disability, severity, and functional limitations, or records from public or private school that indicated that services were provided.


Psychological Disorder

Mental health professional's statement that includes diagnosis, nature of disability, severity, and functional limitations (psychologist, counselor, psychiatrist). DSM-IV diagnosis is helpful.


Orthopedic Impairment

Physician's statement that includes diagnosis, nature of disability, severity, and functional limitation may be required.


Other Health Impairment/Chronic Illness

Physician's statement that includes diagnosis, nature of disability, severity, and functional limitation may be required. This can include chronic illness and disease.


Speech/Language Impairment

Report from a licensed speech pathologist stating the diagnosis, nature of disability, severity, and functional limitation may be required.


Learning Disabilities

Learning disability documentation must include an evaluation. An IEP is not adequate on its own in most cases. Student must have their most current psycho-educational evaluation completed at age 15 or older so that adult scales and instruments were used. Additional documentation may be required.

Need More Information?

Student Disability Services


Josh Holmes | Coordinator

Spartanburg (Giles) Campus - P. Dan. Hull Bldg, Rm. 4

Phone: (864) 592-4818

Email Us Today



Mon - Thu | 8:00am -5:00pm
Friday | 7:30am -1:30pm
Sat - Sun | Closed


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