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SCC Testing Center

SCC's Testing Center: Here's the Scoop

The SCC Testing Center provides a convenient, secure, and distraction-free environment for a positive testing experience. It offers a range of assessment services including make-up testing and proctored online testing for students at SCC, as well as other colleges.

    • SCC students completing make-up tests
    • SCC students taking online classes
    • Non-SCC students needing to take a proctored exam
    • For ACCUPLACER Testing, please call our Admissions Office at 592-4800.
    • Bring a picture ID, know the name of your instructor, and course number.
    • Watches should be removed.
    • Turn cell phone OFF.
    • Bring testing materials (calculators, pencils, etc.).
    • Place personal belongings (including drinks and hats), away from area as directed.
    • Bring a paid receipt as a non-SCC student.
    • If testing at the Tyger River, Cherokee County, Downtown, or Union County campuses, please obtain instructor permission and make an appointment by calling 24 hours in advance. Please use the numbers listed below.
  • D2L 
    My Math Lab
    Hawkes Learning

    Call the Testing Center at (864) 592-4966 or email for more information. 

    After-hours testing is available at SCC Tyger River Campus in Duncan: Schedule after-hours appointment

    • Submit paperwork to Disability Services located in P. Dan Hull Building, PDH 4.
    • Obtain approval from Student Disability Services for any necessary testing accommodation.
    • Schedule an appointment for each test at least 24 hours in advance by contacting Student Disability Services.
  • Note: The Testing Center is under surveillance. Students are expected to conduct testing with integrity. In the event of a violation, an SCC student would be subject to the student code on academic misconduct. A non-SCC student may lose the privilege to use SCC's proctoring service.

Testing Center Hours

Spartanburg (Giles) Campus | PDH3 Cherokee County Campus |  PAB127 Tyger River Campus | TRB118 Union County Campus | 107A Downtown Campus | EAC204

Fall and Spring hours:

M, T, W, TH | 8:00am - 8:00pm

F | 8:00am - 1:30pm

Summer hours:

M and TH | 8:00am - 6:00pm

T, and W | 8:00am - 8:00pm

Friday | 8:00am - 1:30pm

(864) 206-2713 by appointment (864) 592-6190 by appointment (864) 466-1060 by appointment (864) 592-4076 by appointment


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