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Measure Your Ready-to-Work Skills at SCC

In various studies, employers identified a lack of skilled workers as their biggest challenge. SCC offers a solution! The Ready to Work Credential is a workforce education and development tool, comprised of three proctored assessments, Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information, and Locating Information, leading to a portable credential. It brings employers, learners and job seekers, and workforce partners together in building a skilled workforce, while keeping and attracting businesses with higher-wage jobs and economic growth.

What Skills are Measured?

  • Measures workplace mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills from basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to multiple math functions like calculating percentage discounts and markups.

  • Measures reading comprehension and reasoning skills when using written text on the job including memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, policies, and regulations.

  • Measures comprehension and application of workplace graphics such as charts, graphs, tables, forms, flowcharts, diagrams, floor plans, maps, and instrument gauges.

    WIN Learning also provides online self-paced courseware to help learners and job seekers prepare for the Ready to Work Credential. The Ready to Work Courseware aligns to the Ready to Work assessments, making it a great resource for preparation or remediation.

    Contact us today and ask about Ready to Work Courseware with the Ready to Work Credential to give your learners and job seekers the right tools for the job.


Schedule Your WIN Assessment

To schedule WIN assessments, please call the Tyger River Campus Testing Center at (864) 592-6190.



Testing Center Hours

Spartanburg (Giles) Campus | PDH3 Cherokee County Campus |  PAB127 Tyger River Campus | TRB118 Union County Campus | 107A Downtown Campus | EAC204

Fall and Spring hours:

M, T, W, TH | 8:00am - 8:00pm

F | 8:00am - 1:30pm

Summer hours:

M and TH | 8:00am - 6:00pm

T, and W | 8:00am - 8:00pm

Friday | 8:00am - 1:30pm

(864) 206-2713 by appointment (864) 592-6190 by appointment (864) 466-1060 by appointment (864) 592-4076 by appointment


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