SCC Always Welcomes New Students
Never attended college before and want to enroll in an associate degree, diploma or certificate program? We can't wait to meet you at SCC! If you have any questions or need help, email admissions@sccsc.edu or call (864) 592-4800.
How to Enroll at SCC?
APPLY NOW or visit any SCC campus location.
Once you’ve applied, log into your MySCC Portalaccount, and access your SCC email account.
The residency certification form must be completed prior to being accepted. It can be found as a step in the online application under the “Residency” section or here. Further information regarding residency may be found at https://www.sccsc.edu/admissions/residency-faq.php.
A copy of your driver’s license or state issued ID must be submitted with the form.
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after you file your IRS tax return. Instructions for applying for financial aid.
See Important Dates for Financial Aid.
You do not have to wait to complete the financial aid process before proceeding with the following enrollment steps.
Submit your official high school, GED or college transcripts to the SCC Admissions Center: PO Box 4386, Spartanburg, SC 29305. Unofficial transcripts will not be accepted.
Official college transcripts can be requested through the Parchment Exchange website. IMPORTANT: Please email electronic transcripts to admissions@sccsc.edu.GED transcript information can be obtained at www.ed.sc.gov or by calling 803-734-8347.
You may also qualify for experience credit through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) so please share any military experience you have that may serve as credit for courses at SCC.
Meet with an admissions specialist at SCC to determine if you should complete the placement skills assessment, or if you're eligible for other options in placement requirements.
Confirm your acceptance by visiting with an admissions specialist at any of our five campuses.
Log into your MySCC Portal to complete the online New Student Orientation (NSO). For more information email nsonotifications@sccsc.edu
Visit the admissions office to meet with an admissions counselor to discuss your educational goals and create your schedule for your first semester at SCC, then get your student ID.
Follow up with the Financial Aid Office and the Business Office to confirm that your tuition and fees are paid.
Your balance can be viewed on your MySCC Portal account along with financial aid rewards.
Visit the Book Inn, the SCC bookstore on the Giles Campus with your schedule to buy books.
Register your car for a free parking decal with the Campus Police by completing the registration form on the MySCC Portal.
Congratulations! Welcome to SCC!
SCC Admissions Office
Address: Phone: (864) 592-4800 Toll Free: (866) 591-3700 Fax: (864) 900-9789 |
Mon - Thu | 8:00am-5:00pm