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Welcome, U.S. Military, Veterans, and Families!

It is our upmost honor to announce that, for the past 5 years, Spartanburg Community College has been listed as a Military Friendly School by G.I. Jobs Magazine, ranking in the top 15 percent of all colleges, universities, and trade schools nationwide committed to the needs of military students.

We thank all veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice.

Star Program Logo

SCC's Star Program - Green Zones for Military Students and Family Members  

If you need assistance or just want to talk to someone about challenges you're having, SCC has faculty and staff members ready to help or listen. Please visit any one on our Star Program list, indicated by the label on office doors. They can provide you with the resources you need.

Upstate Warrior Solution

UWS is a non-profit organization serving Upstate veterans, active duty, National Guard, and Reserve warriors and their families. The vision of UWS is to restore our warriors with a sense of purpose, and to empower the community to be responsive to our warriors and their families. Veterans are welcome to call our office at (864) 977-1288 or stop by for assistance. Resources are also available at

tudent Veterans Association Logo

Join SCC's Student Veterans of America (SVA)  

SVA provides military veterans, current service members, dependents, and supporters with a supportive environment for networking and camaraderie. The emphasis is to foster relationships within and outside SCC to address student veterans' needs, facilitate student success, and to increase students' access to available resources. To join, contact Jessie Schlosser with SCC Student Life at (864) 592-4424. For more information about the National SVA, visit

SCC's Warrior Lounge
The Warrior Lounge at SCC is located on the Giles campus, Powers Building, Rm. D-3. This room is dedicated exclusively to our veteran students and serves as a study area and meeting room.

If you are a veteran, please stop by the Warrior Lounge and take advantage of this quiet space devoted to our veterans.

Paying for College or Career Training


VA Benefits - If you are seeking a certificate or degree program, SCC s Veteran Affairs Office will walk you through the education benefits process. Contact, call (864) 592-4810 or visit

Veteran Scholarships Forever - Veterans and their spouses who are seeking non-credit career training can apply for this scholarship. Contact SCC Corporate & Community Education at or call (864) 592-4910 for details

The Honorable Rufus H. Foster Jr. KNOW(2) Scholarship - For Cherokee county residents who qualify, this scholarship covers any tuition amount remaining after all other traditional financial aid options have been exhausted. Veterans have some exceptions. Please call (864) 206-2700 for information.

  • Apply now or visit any SCC campus location.

    Once you've applied, log into your My SCC Portal account, and access your SCC email account. See instructions here.

  • The residency certification form must be completed prior to being accepted. It can be found as a step in the online application under the Residency section or on our website

    A copy of your drivers license or state issued ID must be submitted with the form.

  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after you file your IRS tax return. Instructions for applying for financial aid.

    See Important Dates for Financial Aid.

    You do not have to wait to complete the financial aid process before proceeding with the following enrollment steps.

  • Submit your official high school, GED or college transcripts to the SCC Admissions Center: PO Box 4386, Spartanburg, SC, 29305. Unofficial transcripts will not be accepted.

    Official college transcripts can be requested through the Parchment Exchange website. IMPORTANT: Please email electronic transcripts to
    GED transcript information can be obtained at or by calling 803-734-8347.

    You may also qualify for experience credit called through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) so please share any military experience you have that may serve as credit for courses at SCC.

  • Meet with an admissions specialist at SCC to determine if you should complete the placement skills assessment, or see if you are eligible for other options in placement requirements.

    View details of all options for placement requirement

    Download chart of placement requirement options (PDF)

  • Confirm your acceptance by visiting with an admissions specialist at any of our five campuses.

    Log into your MySCC Portal to complete the online New Student Orientation (NSO). For more information email

  • Visit the admissions office to meet with an Admission Counselor to discuss your educational goals and create your schedule for your first semester at SCC, then get your student ID.

  • Follow up with the Financial Aid Office and the Business Office to confirm that your tuition and fees are paid.

    Your balance can be viewed on your MySCC Portal account along with financial aid rewards.

    Visit the Book Inn, the SCC bookstore on the Giles Campus, with your schedule to buy books.

    Register your car for a free parking decal at the SCC's Campus Police Office at the campus closest to you.

Need Help?

SCC Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs Office

Address: Spartanburg (Giles) Campus - Dan L. Terhune Student Services Building
Office 147

Phone: (864) 592-4810

Toll Free: (888) 591-3810

Mon - Thu | 8:00am-5:00pm
Friday | 8:00am-1:30pm

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